Success Master Studies

Welcome to the “Success Master Studies” course, a transformative journey in personal development. Unlock your full potential and reach new heights of success. Join us today!

Have you reached the top yet?

When we say the word success, what comes to your mind first?

Is it money? Is it owning expensive things? Having bought your dream car? Owning the latest model of a luxury vehicle with leather seats and a classy dashboard? Or maybe having an entire fleet of cars on your private parking waiting for you to choose any of them?

Being able to provide your friends with a car to drive around the area when they come to visit you in your home country?

How about owning a yacht? Have you ever dreamed of it sailor?

Having a bunch of girls at your fingertips or maybe having your dream partner along your side being proud of what you achieved?

Being able to fulfil their every dream from traveling the world, to providing protection, to arranging anything they may put their mind on, and making them proud in front of their entire family…

What about a house? A nig mansion where you can invite your whole family for a party, 5 bedrooms, 7 baths, 3 guest rooms, a huge living space that can host your entire family, and a spacious outdoors space with a private gardener taking care of it?

Or maybe a small cozy home where you can spend meaningful moments with your closest ones and forget about all the problems for a moment?

Have you ever thought of running a successful business? Being the CEO of your own company that is well established and known for providing the best service on the market?

Having your financial status secured? Having a high rank in society? A prestigious title? Having a nice body? People going crazy for you? Everybody wanting to have something to do with you? Having peace of mind maybe? Being someone important? Just having your life together?

All of the things mentioned above are a form of success but all of them depend on a single thing that has to be achieved first, and without this, none of the things mentioned above are accessible.

Wonder what the secret is?

Well in the “Pre-Workout” masterclass series, I talk about a concept of achieving internal success before anything else, and then materializing that success, and in the course I grab you by your hand, and walk you through the steps that you need to take in order to achieve that state of success internally so you can then manifest a physical representation of the success that you are worthy of.

Meet Your Instructor

Mike Masters

Mike Masters is the figure who stands behind the Extended Universe movement preaching a liberating message that can help set one’s mind free and guide them through a journey of self-discovery, where people can learn more about who they are, what their power is, how can they use it to position themselves better while still following a righteous way of doing things without jeopardizing their moral.

As someone who comes from nothing, and when I say nothing I don’t only mean a bad financial status or low social rank, but I mean from a place of lack, limitation, and wrong beliefs, Mike manages to fight through life’s challenges and conquers his way up to success by figuring unconventional ways of operating that work better than all the ordinary ways that are generally practiced.

Mike’s teachings often cover subjects that explain the system, its ways of operating, and our role in it, as well as going deep into human psychology unvailing reasons behind human behavior, debunking events from a higher perception, and teaching the best ways to respond in given situations.

Many have said that his teachings are nothing more than a conspiracy theory but those who have common sense and pay attention to the logical explanations behind the teachings understand that there is a liberating truth behind it all, which is why his teachings were labeled as a conspiracy to begin with.

<— Image to be updated, locals contact for a photoshoot

Your Pre-Workout

As you may have already seen, we have a free masterclass series to warm you up for the course and help you understand the value that we provide so you can have no doubt whether you should buy the course or not, and you can access the 3-hour worth of pre-workout sessions right here.

Becoming a High Value Person

Even though every single person in this world is successful to some degree, a lot of us seek ways to improve and become even more successful or take our game to the next level, but not many people are aware of what’s the next thing they can do to improve their game and take it up a notch.

It all begins within you…

Success is not something that you chase externally but it is an internal state of being that you need to tap into as a way to be able to achieve your goals and manifest your visions and that internal state of success is oftentimes related to your personal values, capabilities, skills, level of intelligence, and other qualities that you may possess and even though you may already be aware of some of the things that one has to do in order to achieve success and manifest their goals in life, it is always good to be reminded of the important things that can help you get back on your feet and also learn something new along the way that you were previously unaware of.

So what are those important things?

Inside the Success Master Studies learning program, we go through subjects such as Self-Confidence, Mental Clarity, Common Fears and Obstacles that one will certainly face on their way to success, as well as methods that can help you overcome those obstacles and achieve the desired results regardless of what kind of hardships you may be going through, and most importantly we don’t only talk about this things on a surface level, but we go so in-depth into the problem that we take each subject and dissect it to pieces so you can understand the core of the problem and how you can implement the solution so it can switch the game to work in your favor or take it up a level.

You will be a different person after this!

What's Inside?

The course consists of the secrets to becoming a High-Value Person that I have been collecting throughout 10 years of progressive evolution.

Success Formula

The secret sauce to becoming an irresistible person that everyone wants to be around

3 Main Modules

The content is divided in 4 different modules each consisting specific lessons

15 hours content

Some of the lessons exceed one hour in length while still providing meaningful content

Premium Support

The first 10 to purchase the course will get 12 coaching sessions, 30 minutes each

Detailed Guidance

The course literally guide you step by step through your journey toward success


Our recommended way of taking the course for maximum efficiency

Self Discovery

This course will help you discover yourself and build an enjoyable and abundant life


One of the modules is dedicated to learning ways to materialize success

Get Notified

when the course is out!

We are still working on the course and we estimate that it will most likely come out in the middle of 2025, but if you stumbled across this page before the course is ready and you want to be notified when the course comes out, you can give us your email and we will make sure to send you a message once the course is released!

or Pre-order for 1/3 of the price

SMS Course Access

The course consists of the secrets to becoming a High-Value Person that I have been collecting throughout 10 years of progressive evolution.

Original price was: 2.999,00 $.Current price is: 999,00 $.